Zerdeşt Hacozimannas û nivîskarê kurd e. Di sala 1950ê de li welatê Sûriye ji dayik bûye. Li Almanya dijî. Serokê PENa Kurd a Ewropayê bû. Ew PhD ya xwe li Zanîngeha Berlîna Azad li warên ziman-nasî û zimanên hînd û îraniyê de wergirtiye.

Dr. Zerdeşt Haco

I made incredible changes from high school to college. I made very good grades in high school, and the material was not incredibly hard, I would take great notes, and study them the night before, but in college, could not always get by with that.

Emîn Akbaş

My greatest academic success happened when I got a perfect score on a business calculus test and I got my name called out in class because it was the highest in the class. I had dropped business calculus the semester before because I was struggling so much. It was amazing to me the difference it made in the way .

Fewzî Ozmen

Studying in college is a lot different than in high school. I study by reading a lot more than I ever have and I listen in class to make sure I remember what’s been talked about in the lectures. I also type out study guides for all of my classes, which I don’t think I ever did in high school until it got to final exam time.

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